Fall 2019
Harvard University Graduate School of Design
Advised by Robert Pietrusko
Collaboration with Jaewon Lee, Sheng Yan

Urban environments are shaped through our bodily functions and desires. Restaurants are serving our stomachs, residences and hotels our need for sleep, parks satisfy our eyes, bike paths vitalize our heart, lungs and muscles, concerts and performances are music to our ears, libraries are food for our brain. The concept of the city as an organism is transformed to become a landscape of dispersed human organs, expressing the locations and durations of human activities, or rather our physical needs.
Viscera Urbana aims to showcase the shared experience of bodily activities of the 2019 class. By selectively using spatial, temporal, and experiential data as co-variables, a set of “organs” emerge, the intertwining of their state of co-habitation reflects the multisensorial experiences that define us the moments worth our remembrance. Each of the various colors represent an organ, including the brain, lungs, heart, stomach, eyes, ears, and reproduction organs.